GetBaked Reflections Magazine Digital Pay Per View
Transmuting our economy one pure step at a time.

Recommended for all creatives weekly/monthly
Hourly Omniversal Transmutors
Set yourself and your business up with direct access to a clear connection with Source! Booking time with an Omniversal Transmutor will provide you clarity within your collective work flow, assisting you in maintaining a cleansed collaborative environment & equipping you with operational resources.

Recommended for all creatives, refresh seasonally
Divine (Human) Resources Template Package
Upgrade your business environment by implementing transmuted community protocol, enhancing you and your team members collective creation experience. Designed Intentionally For Each Business.

Recommended For Business Owners
Full Entity Cleanse
A full light body cleanse for any business experiencing blockages or stagnant currency channels.

Recommended for independent creatives or partnerships
Mini Entity Cleanse
Receive clear transmissions and codes manifested to purify your individual and/or collective state of being.
Powered By SznLuv Entertainment
In collaboration with other source led entities like The Ascension Matrix and Outta Pocket Pictures, SznLuv continues to cultivate the fluidity within the crevices of our creation process. Harmonious connections and cohesive work environments are manifesting every single day, aiding the ascension process and migrating individuals out of the rat race.