
Happy Sunday Lovely, Welcome to another Sunday With Me. I wish you a magical experience as we move into this next week with grace. Today, we are gonna be speaking on the word intimacy.  

With my Sunday's With Me Blog Series my goal is to speak from my heart space, so with that comes alot of shadow work for me. And this is public vulnerability isn't something I feel the need to shy away from, given it's been a common theme of my life to be a very specific and unique example for others. So sharing my story is liberating to me, as I am allowed to express my most authentic truths to my community. 

That perceivable vulnerable state of sharing personal information about oneself can be intuitively identified as collective shame programming. As a unit, we have been conditioned to harbour shame and guilt within our sacral chakra. This is why things such as nudity, sex, and even highly advanced individuals are commonly looked down upon and put through what I've come to innerstand is fully a humiliation ritual. 

Humbleness is a spell casted by malevolent beings that feed from the collective low vibrational energy that we promote when we feel guilty or shameful. This spell causes us to pour energy into thought forms surrounding self doubt and self hate. Highly advanced children that excelled in specific areas (for me, the arts) were conditioned to feel guilty for not picking up the other subjects as easily as some of the other students. The entire schooling system was intentionally cultivated by these malevolent forces to curate slaves to the rat race from young. 

This shame programming is crippling to the aspects of us that do not hold the will power to maintain direction in this reprogramming ascension period we are in the midst of. Cosmic War is amongst us, and it's deeper than any racial, political or systematic issue we may be distracted with. These beings are attacking our chakras, and utilizing our shadow traits to their advantage and tricking us into feeding more energy into the Phantom Matrix. 

Intimacy is only truth, and to deny a plain truth is to deny yourself. As if you are not source, and everything is only a different aspect of you. This very thought process has been deprived from us, and muddied up with less important matters like blame, and pity parties. Getting intimate looks like radical vulnerability- releasing shame and choosing to be free within your overall expression as a being. The way you walk the way you talk, the way you interact with the environment around you- it all uncovers a new level of intentionality with self. 

Let me know how this piece resonated with you, don't be afraid to get Intimate in the comments! 

Affirmations for this week; 

I have no limitations. 

I am free to express my truth. 

I accept all truths in their rawest form. 

So it is, so be it Ase. 



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