EXPOSED: Releasing the Lunar Matrix and embracing Oneness.

After a long existence here on this planet, we as ‘humans’ are faced with the facts of our current reality. Though the Phantom Psychosis may have you believe otherwise, this is indeed a deteriorating society. Not an affirmation, an observation. 

We must unroot ourselves from Death Culture and reprogram our subconscious states of being. And this becomes all the more clear when we can overstand this realm from the bird's eye perspective. Here at GetBaked we are always gonna keep it realer than a bag of chips, so here’s the cliff notes version of what we call ‘The Birds Eye View”: 

  • First and foremost, we are one. Overstanding oneness is key given we are all source operating as individual aspects. This allows us to perceive from spaces of empathy, grace and honor, given we are grounded in the light/love frequency. One can see the Starseed/ Indigo child is the physical manifestation of the sun, as it is meant to shine holistically bright. Thus, curating the sustenance that is source ordain, our cosmos, and this very planet. Meaning we are able to serve ourselves and others by embodying our truth, and maintaining a high vibe state of mind. 

  • Speaking of our mind, the mental body is just one of the energetic bodies that we are not taught about in today’s mundane society. We are actually programmed to disassociate from our holistic well being in order to cater to surface level things. Learning about your chakras is a big step in taking back sovereignty over your being. These fallen angelics war with them all, Our physical (root), emotional (sacral), mental (solar- plexus), astral (heart), expressive (throat), imaginative (third - eye) and cosmic (crown) bodies which all make up our being and auric field. Dive deep into this knowledge and unlock your DNA/DEA. 

  • And lastly, releasing the moon matrix. Any research on this entity will lead you to learning the intricacies of our supposed “emotional” body, programming any new age, curious beings to identify themselves with  deteriorating matrices. The etymology of ‘Matrix’ is womb/ uterus, so perceiving the moon as a foreign entity that has not only curated, but delegated, and fed a deteriorating narrative, is more accurate than the illusions that have been given to us. This one may be the biggest hurdle for our community given the moon is presented to us every night. We challenge you to explore The Ascension Glossary, and dive into source ordain knowledge. 

All this to say, YOU are magic. Exposing the artificial shit is a fun pastime for the GetBaked tribe simply because it has the potential to cleanse, and provide clarity to all receptive beings. Though what we have learned about the moon specifically has been a beautiful insight on the ebbs and flows of our emotional body- with this truth we can now accept that all that beauty is just reflecting from within your own soul. 

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